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Child at Psychologist_edited.jpg
Image by Tomáš Petz
Children Jumping on Trampoline
Image by Sandy Millar
Child In Speech Therapy
Image by Brian McGowan



ABA Clinic-Based Services can provide clients, parents, and caregivers a more structured environment that may be necessary for treatment.  Clinic-based therapists often have more opportunities for training and supervision which results in higher quality treatment for your child.  The clinic model also leads to more opportunities for children to interact with their peers to enhance social skills training.

While a child may have some structure in a home environment, the staff at our centers can create and enforce a structured routine while fully utilizing the clinical environment. They can control the environment, control distractions, and create mock situations to teach skills—like paying attention, taking turns, and following instructions. They can enforce the skills while familiarizing the child with the environment and routine of specific tasks. Environments can also be manufactured in center-based intervention to expose children to specific situations and teach critical skills. For example, if a child is preparing to attend school, staff can create an environment that mimics the classroom and help the child learn the basic skills, like following directions and participating in a group environment.


This option is beneficial for those children who do not to respond safely around other children and would benefit from a more controlled environment with less unpredictable factors.


Autism interventions do not have to happen solely within a center-based ABA program—they can also be experienced at home.


While school, community, and clinical interventions are often developed to target behaviors within those settings; Home-based ABA interventions are typically taught in the home and then generalized to other environments once the skills are mastered.


One of the main benefits to home-based intervention is that it allows children to learn new skills in their natural environment. Children often feel more comfortable and secure at home since that is where they spend most of their time at a young age.

Our process does not just help the child. It helps improve the life for the entire family. Home based services engage family members to better understand the best practices of ABA therapy. One of the main benefits to home-based intervention is that it allows children to learn new skills in their natural environment. This style of intervention also lends itself to effortless involvement of parents and caregivers due to their proximity during treatment sessions.


Therapy at home cuts out the hassle of driving to clinics and waiting around. We make things easy for you, and schedule around your calendar.


Functional Behavior Assessments

Behavior Intervention Programming (if needed)

Curriculum Skills Assessments

1:1 Therapy with you child

Functional Communication Training

Social Skills Training and Social Skills Groups

Toilet Training

1:1 Parent Trainings

Group Parent Trainings


We know that getting started with ABA Therapy can be a challenging experience. Just know we are here to help you.


Applied Behavior Analysis

We've been proudly doing ABA Therapy since 1994. We offer proactive quality Behavior Therapy in a safe, comfortable environment in your home or in our clinic. With our scientific and ethics based approach and the best, well trained, attentive staff—you are in good hands.

Scroll down to read more about our services.

Natural Environment Training

Generalization of skills and behavior management strategies are best achieved and maintained when used in a variety of settings. Through Natural Environment Training, or NET, children have opportunities to practice the skills they have learned with their peers.

NET consists of instructions that are driven by the child’s motivation and carried out in the environments that closely resemble natural environments. Natural environment teaching leads to an individual being able to learn skills in one environment and generalize them to other environments. NET leads to skills acquisition gained in 1:1 therapy being utilized outside of therapy.

Social Skills Groups

Children learn social skills simply by observing those around them. Social skills are much more than being able to communicate with others; these skills also include prosocial behaviors, such as knowing when to say “please” or “thank you”, recognizing unspoken social cues, and expressing empathy toward others. Learning these skills at an early age play an important role in building relationships and being successful in life. However, children diagnosed with Autism may experience difficulties relating to others, identifying social cues, and communicating their wants and needs. ABA Therapy can teach communication skills and social skills, and social skills groups can help the child practice these skills with peers.

Social skill groups typically consist of two to four children, which allow each child to interact with peers and practice learned skills in a natural setting. One-on-one therapy is provided during social skills groups to coach the child during social interactions while reinforcing prosocial behaviors.

The focus of the Social Skills Groups is to help children learn how to interact appropriately with others their age. In a group setting, children learn how to communicate, develop new friendships, acquire problem-solving skills, practice emotional regulation, and attend to peers.

Children participate in different activities during social skills group, such as group art projects, table-top games, and outdoor activities which help the child learn how to navigate various social situations. The activities are targeted to the specific problem the child may be facing.

Educational Support Services

Navigating your child’s IEP can be confusing. We are here to support you and attend IEP meetings with you. We can be an advocate for you and help you understand the terminology and the process of Special Education Services. We also offer natural environment training in the school setting on a case-by-case basis to help your child generalize learned behavioral skills in school.

Parent Training

Parent Training is a meeting between the BCBA and the child’s parent(s). The focus of parent training can vary depending on the needs of the family. Sometimes parent training may be a review of effective behavioral strategies that can decrease inappropriate behaviors that occur in the home. At times, parent training may focus on troubleshooting issues that the parent(s) has encountered since the previous session. Other times, parent training may focus on how to handle and respond to certain situations so that the parent can appropriately act in the future.

Parent training is an opportunity for discussion, learning, and planning. Parent(s) can take advantage of these times to coordinate with the BCBA concerning ABA services, services for school support, or to receive feedback concerning interaction, language, and activities with their child.

Parents can learn ABA techniques for managing problem behaviors, learn new skills to implement with their child, learn how to be proactive with problem behavior, and learn how to have successful community outings (e.g., grocery shopping, going to the mall, ordering a meal).

©2021 by Good Life ABA LLC

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